It’s just over a year since our very own Master Butcher Ian was called up to represent Team Ireland at the World Butcher’s Challenge.
Although it’s been running for a number of years, the WBC had never seen a competition on the scale of its 2018 event, which was held at Titanic Belfast – the first time the competition had been held on Irish soil. From four teams in 2016, the competition grew to 12-strong in 2018 with butchers attending from Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA.
Following an outstanding display of butchery skills and creativity, they were crowned World Champion Butchers at a Gala event in Titanic Belfast on March 21.
Here at Lisdergan we’re extremely proud of Ian who was vice captain of Team Ireland’s 2018 achievements and we know our customers are certainly getting the benefit of his world-beating expertise when they choose to buy their meat from us.